


              Hamid Nikraz  FIE(Aust), CPEng, NPER



Professor Hamid Nikraz, (Head of the Department of Civil Engineering and Curtin-PRG) has particular expertise in pavement materials and soil stabilisation techniques. Prof.Hamid has a wide range of expertise in Geotechnical Engineering and Pavement Engineering.  He is recognised as an authority in the sustainable use of industrial by-products in geotechnical, pavement and geopolymer concrete engineering, spanning research interests in Geomechanics, Soil Stabilisation, Pavement Design and Construction, and Waste Management in Australia. 


              Peerapong Jitsangiam  BEng, MEng, PhD


Dr. Peerapong is a senior lecturer of the Department of Civil Engineering at Curtin University.   Dr Peerapong’s research has a strong emphasis on pavement and geotechnical Engineering. To date, much of his research has focused on characterisation of pavement materials and utilisation of potential by-products from industry in pavement construction based on the geotechnical engineering perspective. He is also interested in testing and modeling of pavement and mechanistic based pavement design. He has conducted studies on stress dependency of aggregates and stabilised aggregates affecting response and performance of flexible pavement in base and sub base layers based on the Repeated Load Triaxial testing. 


              Fwa Tien Fang  BEng, MEng, PhD                                                                                                                                              


Professor T. F. Fwa

Director, Centre for Transportation Research, Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore.


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