Professor Wong is the founder and chairman of the Hong Kong Road Research laboratory (HKRRL). He is also one of the founding directors of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS). Professor Wong has over 30 years’ experience in teaching, administration and research in the field of highway and transportation engineering. He has supervised numerous research projects, and has established many design specifications, guidance notes and codes of practice in the areas of highway/pavement engineering in Hong Kong.
Dr. Leung is devoted to highway / pavement engineering research and education and he obtained his academic qualifications in civil engineering, foundation engineering, pavement engineering and higher education from University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham, HKPolyU and Harvard University respectively. His research interests are in the areas of highway materials, pavement management system and pavement foundation testings. In the past, he played a key role in drafting and updating a number of government specifications including Guidance Notes 036 on Road Markings since 2008. In recent years, he also serves the University of Hong Kong responsible in teaching highway pavement engineering under the MSc degree programme. Before entering the academic field, Gordon was a professional engineer with Ove Arup HK. Dr. Leung is also the former Chairman of the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation – HK Region between 2019 and 2021.
CHAN Kwok-Wong, John陳國煌教授•工程師 Senior Research Fellow (Highway Materials)
Professor Chan has more than 40 years' experience in material engineering. He is an expert specializing in the research and development of highway materials. In the past, he has made substantial contribution on the use of PFA, furnace bottom ash and high strength concrete for highway and pavement constructions. Prof. Chan is also an Authorised Person (AP), Registered Structural Engineer (RSE) and Registered Geotechnical Engineer (RGE) in Hong Kong.
CHENG Chi-Wai, George 鄭子偉工程師
Senior Research Fellow (Project Management)
Ir Cheng has over 30 years proven record of success in Project and Development Management, Design Management, Construction Management and Engineering, Cost Estimating and Contract Administration gained with Client, Consultancy and Contractor Organisation. He is skilled in managing multi-discipline, multi-cultural teams through various contractual routes including D&C, BOT, and Partnering.
CHEUNG Chin-Keung 張展強工程師
Senior Research Fellow (Quality Assurance & Control)
BSc, MSc, DIC, MSc (Eng), MHKIE, RPE(Civil & Geo)
Ir Cheung is an outstanding engineer with extensive practical experience in the testing of bridge structures and construction/pavement materials. In the past two decades, he had assisted the Hong Kong Government to establish numerous testing procedures and standards on the testing of a large variety of construction materials and products, and he has also contributed significantly to the successful implementation of accreditation system and quality management system in Hong Kong for the evaluation of works conducted by commerical laboratories and material manufacturers. Under his supervision, high standard and accuracy are always achieved for all research works conducted by HKRRL.
DONG Zejiao董澤蛟教授 Senior Research Fellow (Pavement Materials)
BEng, MEng, PhD
Professor Dong is an expert in the recycled asphalt technology. He has performed many projects related to the study of structural behaviour and dynamic response of asphalt pavement. Professor Dong has rich experience in pavement instrumentation and accelerated pavement testing. He is an active member in HKRRL working on the development of new/recycled pavement materials.
HU Chichun胡迟春教授 Senior Research Fellow (Pavement Materials and Preservation)
BSc, MEng, PhD
Professor Hu has more than 16 years' research experience in pavement engineering. He had been working as a visiting scholar in FHWA Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center and as a visiting professor in Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA) . Professor Hu has completed more than 50 pavement research projects as a PI, and he is an outstanding professional in the area of pavement preservation and pavement material development.
HUNG Wing-Tat熊永達博士 Senior Research Fellow (Road/Tyre Noise)
Dr. Hung is specialized in the field of traffic engineering, transport environment and traffic safety. He heads the HKRRL research team to develop the first road/tyre noise measuring device (CPX) in Hong Kong. Under his supervision, HKRRL road/tyre noise group has successfully completed many key road/tyre noise research projects for both Highways Department and Environmental Protection Department.
LAM Chi-Hung, Louis 林志雄教授•工程師 Senior Research Fellow (Highway Structural Health Monitoring)
Professor Lam is an outstanding academic and an experienced engineer in the field of civil and construction engineering. His experience and expertise includes: highway structural health monitoring and instrumentation, structural dynamics, structural analysis, building aerodynamics, wind engineering and analytical photogrammetry. Professor Lam specializes in developing innovative methods and solutions to tackle complicated engineering problems. He is also the recipient of the prestigious Telford Premium 1983 awarded by The Institution of Civil Engineers, U.K.
LAU Ching-Kwong 劉正光博士•工程師 Senior Research Fellow (Highway and Bridge Engineering)
Dr. Lau is a renowned bridge/highway expert in Hong Kong. He is the former director of the Civil Engineering Department of the HKSAR Government and is the Past President of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Dr. Lau has over 35 years of government engineering experience in a wide range of highway and bridge projects. He participated in the implementation of many large bridges including the Tsing Ma Bridge, Kap Shui Mun Bridge, and Ting Kau Bridge, as well as in the development and installation of an extensive bridge health monitoring system on these three bridges.
LAW CH, John羅俊軒 Research Fellow (Pavement Management System - Instrumentation & Data Acquisition)
BEng (IE), MSc (EIE), Certified LabVIEW Developer
John is a specialist in pavement instrumentations, data acquisition and automation. He is a Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD) and Certified Professional Instructor (CPI). In the area of Pavement Management System (PMS), John has made much of contribution to HKRRL on the development of pavement instrumentations and equipment automations.
LI Gang李剛 Research Fellow (Flexible Pavement Materials)
BEng, MEng
Mr. Li is specialized in the research of flexible pavement materials. He has conducted many research projects under HKRRL, such as the study on the damage modes of asphalt pavement structure, study on the asphalt pavement damaged mechanism, development of a mixture design procedures, and establishment of techniques for rejuvenating ageing bituminous concrete.
LIU, Albert廖皓愷•工程師 Senior Research Fellow (Highway and Pavement Engineering / Project Management)
Ir Liu is a former Assistant Director of the Highways Department responsible for implementing various highway projects, including the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link mega projects. He has also overseen the maintenance of the Tsing Ma Bridge, Kap Shui Mun Bridge, Stonecutters Bridge and Ting Kau Bridge and other highway facilities in the Tsing Ma Control Area and Tsing Sha Control Area. Ir Liu has extensive experience and specialist knowledge in conducting highway engineering research and developing highway management information systems.
Dr. Liu has over 20 years' experience in civil, structural and geotechnical design. He has been in charge of numerous major building and highway infrastructure projects in the capacity of project director or project manager. Apart from extensive practical experience in the design and operation of projects, Ir Liu is also an active researcher of HKRRL devoted on the development of advance design method and technique in the field of bridge and highway engineering. Ir Liu is a Registered Structural Engineer (RSE) and Registered Inspector (RI) in Hong Kong, a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a chartered environmentalist.
George has worked with many large-scale civil, infrastructural, structural and geotechnical projects in Hong Kong and Asia. Particularly, he has extensive experience in the research, design and construction of deep excavation, ground improvements, site formation, shallow and deep foundations, slope and retaining wall. He is an Authorised Person (AP), Registered Structural Engineer (RSE), Registered Geotechnical Engineer (RGE) and Registered Inspector (RI) in Hong Kong.
NG Pui-Lam吳沛林博士•工程師 Research Fellow (Bridge Engineering and Materials)
Dr. Ng has more than 15 years of experience in civil engineering research and practice. He has been principally involved in the design and construction of a number of major infrastructure projects in Hong Kong and he is chartered civil engineer in Hong Kong, United Kingdom, and Europe. His research interests are in the areas of concrete and cementitious materials, bridge engineering, concrete structures, and construction technology. He was the recipient of a number of awards such as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellowship awarded by the European Commission.
NGAI King-Wah, Edith倪琼華博士 Research Fellow (Traffic Noise)
BEng, PhD
Dr. Ngai is an experienced noise scientist. She is a key member of the noise research group in HKRRL. In the past several years, she had successfully completed several key projects, such as the study of structure-borne noise induced by rail viaduct, noise control design for light rail vehicle and the generation of noise induced by traffic at bridge joints.
NI Fujian倪富健教授 Senior Research Fellow (Pavement Materials)
BSc, MEng, PhD
Professor Ni has over twenty years' experience in both teaching and research in the field of pavement engineering and material science. His research interest includes construction material development, pavement performance evaluation, and pavement management system. In the past decade, Professor Ni had developed the technologies which are widely used in Mainland China, they are the cold in-place recycling technology, high strength modified asphalt mixture and pavement management system. Professor Ni is now joining HKRRL team on works concerning the development of pavement materials, pavement evaluation and pavement management studies.
NIP Chi-Kwong聶志光工程師
Senior Research Fellow (Pavement Materials and Road Maintenance)
Ir Nip has over 40 years’ experience in management of road maintenance works. He is the former Chief Engineer of the R&D Division of the Highways Department responsible for research and development of highway specifications, design standards, road safety hardwares and underground utility management systems.
PUN Kwok-Leung潘國良教授
Senior Research Fellow (Road Drainage and Hydraulics)
BSc, MEng, PhD, Registered Environmental Auditor
Professor Pun is a specialist in engineering hydraulics. He plays a key role in HKRRL of carrying out research on road drainage system and hydraulic modeling. His other major experiences include water quality monitoring and hydrodynamic analysis. He is also a registered environmental auditor in Hong Kong.
QIU Xin邱欣博士 Research Fellow (Highway and Airport Pavements)
BEng, MEng, PhD
Dr. Qiu is an experienced researcher in the field of highway and airport pavement engineering. He is the key member to perform a research project of HKRRL on Porous Asphalt (PA) pavement that results the introduction of a new particular specification on the PA mix design in Hong Kong. His other research interests include advance numerical simulation techniques in pavement structures, nondestructive pavement evaluation, structural design method of highway and airport pavements, performance estimation and of pavement materials and structures.
SAI SURESH Anjana Research Fellow (Highway and Transportation)
BTech, MTech, PhD
Dr. Sai Suresh has over 10 years of research and teaching experience in the field of Pavement and Traffic Engineering. Currently she is managing the research activities at HKRRL and supervising the pavement material testing. Her research interests include porous asphalt, recycled pavement materials, traffic and transportation safety and application of GIS in pavement management.
SO Kin-Lam, Kevin 蘇建霖博士•工程師 Research Fellow (Construction/Project Management)
CEng, Eur Ing RPE(Civil), Certified Project Manager
Dr. SO has over 15 years’ experiences in civil engineering industry. His research interests include business development, infrastructure and project finance, business change and program management, life-cycle management, environmental management, sustainability, construction and project management and project risk analysis.
TONG Hing-Yan, Francis 唐慶恩博士 Research Fellow (Traffic Engineering)
Dr. Tong is an experienced traffic engineer and transport planner. He is the project manager in charge of many transport/traffic study projects in both Hong Kong and Mainland. Apart from practical work, Dr. Tong is also an outstanding researcher in the field of transport engineering. He is now playing a key role in HKRRL leading a research team to handle all the transport/traffic related studies.
WANG C.P. , Kelvin 王郴平教授 Senior Research Fellow (Pavement Management System)
BSc, MEng, PhD
Professor Wang is an outstanding researcher in the development of pavement management system. His research area covers 3D Laser Sensors, Machine Vision for Condition Survey, Automated Imaging for Pavement Surface Characteristics and Optimization Techniques for Pavements and Infrastructure Management Systems
WANG Yi王奕博士 Research Fellow (Material Chemistry)
BEng (Chem Eng), PhD
Dr. Wang is an experienced material chemist. He provides substantial contributions to the HKRRL on the studies of microscopic scale investigations of road material science and chemistry. His contributions are important for having better fundamental understanding on bitumen and other road building materials (modified or unmodified) used in Hong Kong.
WONG Cheuk-Ching, Benny黄卓正
Research Fellow (Flexible Pavement Materials)
BEng, MPhil
Benny has extensive research experience in bituminous materials. He specializes in the research of the use of recycled vehicle tyre / crumb rubber as the modifier for flexible pavement. He has made significant contributions on the establishment of design standards on the use of crumb rubbers in flexible pavement materials in Hong Kong.
WONG Carlos黃灿光博士•工程師 Senior Research Fellow (Highway Bridge Engineering)
Dr. Wong has more than 30 years' experience in the research and design of highway bridges. He is a key person in charge of the design of a number of mega highway bridges in Hong Kong, such as the Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macau Bridge, Stonecutters cable-stay bridge, Hong Kong - Shenzhen Western Corridor and Hong Kong Route 8 elevated bridge network. Dr Wong is also knowledgeable in bridge aero-dynamics and is also one of the pioneers in HK to study the safety of bridge parapets and roadside barriers.
WONG Ho-Fai, Simon黃浩輝博士•工程師 Research Fellow (Rigid Pavement Materials)
Dr. Wong has over ten years' experience in the civil and structural engineering industry in Hong Kong. He is chartered member of various professional institutions and a fellow member of the Hong Kong Concrete Institute (HKCI). His research interest includes concrete and pavement materials, earhtquake design of Reinforced concrete and steel structures, ductility enhancement of structrual members.
WONG Yuk-Lung黃玉龍教授•工程師 Senior Research Fellow (Rigid Pavement Materials)
Professor Wong is a concrete material specialist of HKRRL. Under his supervision, a number of major research projects were successfully completed for Highways Department, such as the study on the performance of various waterproofing systems applied on concrete bridge deck and the use of fast hardening concrete for pavement construction in Hong Kong
XUE Liang薛亮 Research Fellow (Flexible Pavement Materials)
BEng, MEng
Mr. Xue is a key member in the research of flexible pavement materials. He has completed various projects involving the field-performance test of waterproofing material applied on bridge deck, performance test of HMA under heavy traffic, and the use of industrial waste for asphalt pavement.
YEUNG Tak-Chung, Albert楊德忠博士•工程師 Senior Research Fellow (Geotechnical/Pavement Materials)
Dr. Yeung specializes in the engineering behavior of geotechnical materials and pavement material. He has extensive hands-on experience in design and construction of foundations, and resurfacing of pavement. Dr. Yeung has also developed different applications of information technology for construction site management, and air quality management. As of today, he is the only Asian ever received the prestigious Arthur Casagrande Professional Development Award of the American Society of Civil Engineers for his significant contributions to geo-environmental engineering.