





Visited by Prof YAO Zukang 姚祖康教授(Feb 2013), a world renowned highway expert and scholar 世界著名道路研究學者





Visited by HUANG Wei 黄卫 (Middle), Vice Chairman of the People’s Government of Xinijang Uygur Autonomous Region (Former Vice Minister of Ministry of Construction, and Vice Mayor of Beijing) 新疆维吾尔自治区副主席(曾任建设部副部、北京市副市長)



Visited by Ir MAK Chai-Kwong 麥齊光, GBS, JP (Former Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) and Director of Highways, Hong Kong. 曾任發展局常任秘書長, 路政署署長)



Ir Jimmy Chan, Director of Highwaystogether with Ir Wai Chi Sing, Managing Director of the Urban Renewal Authority, visited HKRRL  on 21 August 2019 



Visit of National United University, Taiwan (2013); Left to right: Prof WG Wong, Prof Hsu Ming Hsi (President of NUU), Prof KL Pun, Dr Gordon Leung



At function of Hong Kong Construction Association (2016); Left to right: Ir Eric Ma, Prof Wong, Ir Wai Chi Sing, Ir Hon Chi Keung


Dr. Choi Yu-Leuk, former President of Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences and former Director of Buildings of Hong Kong SAR Government, delivered a distinguished lecture on the findings of a CPU funded research project jointly conducted with HKRRL. (2017)



Ir Andreas Markides, Chairman of Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation visited HKRRL on 31 May 2018




HKRRL moved to a new office in Tuen Mun near to MTR Station on 2 March 2018. 



InnoCarnival 2015 , Hong Kong Science Park; 2nd from right: Dr Carrie Yau 尤曾家麗 Executive Director of the Vocational Training Council (VTC) 職業訓練局執行幹事


Visited by Materials Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)



Seminar given to Engineers from Highways Department, HKSAR by Prof WG Wong



Prof KL Pun explained the overall development of the laboratory to the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison - 中國人民解放軍駐港部隊



Introduction of the works of HKRRL to the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison - 中國人民解放軍駐港部隊 by Prof WG Wong   (October 2012)



The Hong Kong highway industry visited the HKRRL and Chu Hai College of Higher Education (August 2012)




Dr Gordon Leung visited the pavement research group of civil engineering department, Curtin University of Technology 澳洲科廷大學 , Perth, Western Australia (August 2012); Left: Prof Hamid Nikraz (Head); Right: Dr Peerapong Jitsangiam (Senior Lecturer)



Tolo Highway Evaluation 2014




Joint visit to the Hong Kong Airport (Feb 2012) by the Highways Department, HKRRL and Chu Hai College of Higher Education



Prof Wong gave a presentation at the Plenary Session of The 16th International conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (December 2011)



Road Marking Works  on bridge deck, HK (2009)







Visited by Shell Hong Kong Limited





Pavement Evaluation at Tuen Mun Highway

From left: Prof WG Wong, Prof Kevin CP Wang (Professor and Gilbert, Cooper, W&W Steel Chair of Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University, USA)


Visited by Research and Development Division, Highways Department and Highway Industry





Seminar on Rheology Property and Performance of Polymer Modified Asphalt, (3 May 2018)) by Mr Ralph Shirts (Middle front), Global Asphalt Technical manager of ExxxonMobile, and Former Chairman of Asphalt Institute, USA.


From left: Mr. Wong Yaojin, HKRRL Art Consultant; Ir Wai Chi Sing 韋志成, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) 發展局常任秘書長 (工務); Prof WG Wong. (June 2013)





Opening Ceremony of the BRICS TSE Specialized Portfolios Engineering Investment and Management International Training Center at THEi (March 2014)金磚國家TSE專投工程投資與管理國際研修中心開幕典禮

From left: Ir Wai Chi Sing, Prof. Wong, Prof Lim David Lin Shu (President of THEi)


2014 BlueSky Award Evaluation Expert Committee, UNIDO, United Nations. 聯合國工業發展組織2014年度藍天獎評審專家委員會  Right: Mr. Edward Clarence-Smith, UNIDO Representative and Head of UNIDO Regional Office in China 合國業發展組織駐華首席代表


Inauguration Ceremony of The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong 2015. 科院成立典禮2015 Left: Mr. Leung Chun-ying 梁振英, The Chief Executive of HKSAR香港特別行政區首長 


Inauguration Ceremony of The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong 2015. 2015 Right: Mr. Yau Tang-wah 邱騰華, Director of the Chief Executive's Office 香港行政長官辦公室主任


Inauguration Ceremony of The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong 2015. 科院成立典禮2015 Right: Prof. Chu Ching-wu 朱經武, The Ex-President of HKUST 前香港科技大學校長


Inauguration Ceremony of The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong 2015. 科院成立典禮2015 Right: Prof. Tsui Lap-chee  徐立之, The Ex-President of HKU 前香港大學校長


Inauguration Ceremony of The Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong 2015. 科院成立典禮2015 Left: Dr. Lo Wai-kwok 盧偉國, Member of the Legislative Council of the HKSAR, representing the Engineering Functional Constituency 香港特別行政區立法會議員(代表工程界別)


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