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Zhu, X.N., Han, B.M., Wong, W.G. and Ferreira, L., "Simulating Analysis of Lengthening the Railway Station Track for the Heavy Haul Transport on the Basis of Capacity Using", Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 2 December 2000, pp.339-343.
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Han, B.M., Zhu, X.N., Wong, W.G., Ferreira, L. and Teng, J., ”The Study on Key Problems in Forecasting Export Containers in a Region of China”, Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Traffic & Transpportation Studies, Guilin, 23-25 July 2002, pp.274-279.
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He, G. and Wong, W.G., “Methodology of Cold In-Situ Recycling of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Using Foamed Bitumen in Hong Kong”, Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 14 December 2002, pp.199-207.
Wong, W.G., Hung, W.T. and Cheung, K.S. “Pavement Performance and Permeability”, Proceedings of China-Japan Workshop on Pavement Technologies, 10-14 November 2003, pp.63-75.
Hung, W.T., Wong, W.G., Ng, C.F. and Yim, C.H. “The Effect of Pavement Properties on Road Tire Noise”, Proceedings of China-Japan Workshop on Pavement Technologies, 10-14 November 2003, pp.303-318.
Wong, C.C. and Wong, W.G., “The History of the Application and Development of the CRM Binder and Mixture”, Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 13-14 December 2003, pp.45-50.
He, G. and Wong, W.G., “Foamability of Shell Pen 60/70 and 100 Bitumen”, Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 13-14 December 2003, pp.74-82.
Hung, W.T., Wong, W.G., Ng, C.F. and Li, C.W., “Comparison of Newly Devised Methods to Measure Road Tire Noise”, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 11-12 December 2004, pp.129-135.
He, G. and Wong, W.G., “Comparision of Foamability between Shell 60 and Shell 100”, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 10-11 December 2005, pp.236-247.
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Hung, W.T., Wong W.G. and Ng C.F., “Certification of a CPX Trailer for measuring tyre/road noise in Hong Kong”, CD ROM, Proceedings of Inter-noise 2008: 37th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 26-29 October 2008, Shanghai, China.
Suo, Zhi., and Wong, W.G., “Laboratory Evaluation of Mechanical Performance on Bituminous Materials with Polymer Modifiers”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, 13-15 December 2008, pp.665-674.
Hung W.T., Ng C.F., Leung R. C.K. Wong W.G., Law M.K., Ho K.Y. and Mak R., “Towards developing engineering strategy to calm tyre/road noise”, HKIE-MMNC Conference on Advanced Technology in Transportation for a Better Environment, 24 April 2009, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Leung, L.M., Wong W.G., “Fundamental Findings of Dynamic Behaviour of Pavement Subgrade Material in Hong Kong”, Second International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment, 1-2 June 2010, Hong Kong, China, pp.296-304.
Leung, L.M. Gordon, Wong, W.G., “Review on the Relationship between Dynamic and Static Properties of Typical Residual Soils in Hong Kong”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, Perth, Australia, 2011, pp.415-422.
Leung, L.M. Gordon, Wong, W.G. and Kong, P.K. Felix, “Laboratory Approach for Verification of Dynamic Pavement Instrumentation Performances”, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, China, December 2011, pp.525-532.
Leung, L.M. Gordon and Wong, W.G., “The Possible Factors in Affecting Resilient Behaviour of Pavement Subgrade Soils in Hong Kong”, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, December 2011, Hong Kong, China, pp.533-540.
Leung, L.M. Gordon, Wong, W.G. “Performance of Polyester Resin Repair Concrete under Wheel Tracker Test”. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference: Concrete in the Low Carbon Era, Dundee, Scotland, UK, 2012, 1403-1410.
Leung, L.M. Gordon, Wong, W.G. “Characetristics of In-situ Dynamic Stresses of Pavement Subgrade under Portable Falling Weight Deflectometer Test”. 2nd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics, Hokkaido, Japan, 2012, 593-597.
Wong, W.G, Leung, L.M. Gordon, Han, H.F. “Effect of Fine Aggregate Composition on Moisture Susceptibility of Hot Mix Asphalt”, Materials Science and Technology in Engineering Conference MaSTEC 2013, Materials Division, HKIE, Hong Kong, China, 2013, pp.37.
Leung, L.M. Gordon, Wong, W.G. “A Hong Kong Case Study on the Combined Usage of In-situ and Laboratory Test Devices for Road Foundation Assessment”, International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering, IACSIT Press, Macau, China, 2014, Vol 62, pp.1-6.
Wong, W.G., “History of Road Research in Hong Kong”, International Conference on Road and Bridge Engineering and Monitoring Techniques, 2014, Taiwan, pp.124.
Gordon LM Leung, Wong, W.G., Man Chi Li, Ki Hin Ko, Quan Xing Xie, and Chin Kwan Tang, ‘Estimation on Residual Life of a Pavement Section at Tuen Mun Road in Hong Kong”, International Conference on Road and Bridge Engineering and Monitoring Techniques, 2014, Taiwan, pp.139.
Wong, W.G., Gordon LM Leung, Man Chi Li, Ki Hin Ko, Chin Kwan Tang, Quan Xing Xie, and Wing Pan Lam, ‘Evaluation of a Cracked Pavement Section of Tuen Mun Road in Hong Kong”, International Conference on Road and Bridge Engineering and Monitoring Techniques, 2014, Taiwan, pp.140.